The puppies are now 5 weeks old and time seems to just be flying by! It frequently seems like there is so much to do and so little time to do it. Especially when all I want to do is sit and watch the puppies play!
It is now time to start thinking about picking your puppies registered name for CKC registration and pedigree purposes!
In order to individually register puppies with the Canadian Kennel Club, all puppies must be registered with a unique name to go along with their microchip number. Given that these puppies will be going home just prior to Christmas and Christmas means feasting I have decided to go with a turkey theme for the registered names. I have posted a few suggestions however you may also submit a name for consideration as long as it fits into the Turkey Feast theme. CKC has final approval over all registered names so please email me your first and second choice in case your first pick has already been reserved or it is not accepted by the CKC. Preference will be given on a first come first served basis. Of course, your puppy’s registered name and your choice of everyday call name does not need to be related in any manner unless you wish it too. As the names are chosen, I will highlight them LM and add your initials.
Eden Gobble till You Wobble (LM) Eden Ain’t Seen Stuffing Yet Eden’s Much Ado About Stuffing Eden Feeling Peckish Eden’s Plucking Delicious Eden’s All About That Baste Eden’s Poultry In Motion Eden Nuts ‘N Poults Eden’s Gobbled Up Eden's 50 Shades Of Gravy (SC) Eden Talking Turkey Eden's Gobble Gobble | ​Eden‘s No Harm, No Fowl Eden Just Winging It Eden Turducken Eden’s Already Stuffed Eden Peach Gobbler Eden’s Quirky Turkey (MD) Eden Getting Stuffed Eden Feast Mode Eden Gobble That Up Eden’s Fowl Play Eden's Butterball (MB) Eden's Wishbone (AM) |
For those who wish to get ahead on purchasing their puppy supplies be sure to check out the Eden's Puppy Supply List for when you bring your puppy home.
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Puppy proofing your home
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